New career opportunity
Hi {{FirstName}},

I know a little bit about your background and had some ideas in mind. However, I work differently, and if you are open to chatting I’d like to begin with a dialogue instead of a pitch selling you a job. We might have a great position to tell you about, but that conversation can't begin until we listen to you first and make sure we are on the same page.

I realize that my email may or may not have arrived at the right time. However, my goal is to connect with and understand an outstanding individual's professional frustrations/aspirations, and then align those needs with the startup that can best fit or help achieve that person's goals.

What’s the best way for us to connect?

Best regards,
Use Template
New career opportunity
Hi {{FirstName}},

I’ve learned a bit about your background and have some ideas in mind. My approach is to start with a conversation rather than pitching a job right away. We might have a great position for you, but it’s important to first understand your goals and see if we're a good fit.

I understand this email might not have reached you at the perfect time. My aim is to connect and understand your professional aspirations and challenges, and then align those with a startup that can help you achieve your goals.

How can we best connect for a chat?

Best regards,
Use Template
New career opportunity
Hi {{FirstName}},

I came across your background and have some ideas I’d love to discuss. I prefer starting with a conversation rather than a job pitch. We might have a perfect opportunity for you, but I want to ensure we’re on the same page by listening to your goals first.

I know this email might not have come at the ideal time. My goal is to understand your professional ambitions and challenges, and then match them with a startup that can support your growth.

What’s the best way for us to connect?

Use Template
New career opportunity
Hi {{FirstName}},

I’ve looked into your background and have some thoughts. My approach is different; I’d like to start with a conversation rather than a job pitch. We may have an ideal role for you, but first, I want to ensure we understand each other’s goals.

I understand timing might not be perfect. My objective is to connect and learn about your professional aspirations and frustrations, then align those with a startup that can best meet your needs.

How can we best connect for a discussion?

Best regards,
Use Template

Why it works

This recruitment email template is effective due to its personalized and respectful approach. The email avoids any sense of urgency or pushiness, which increases the likelihood of a response and a continued conversation. Additionally, the email focuses on understanding the candidate's professional needs and goals to find the right fit, rather than immediately pushing an open job opportunity. This approach builds trust with the candidate and shows that the company values everyone they do business with as individuals. The email maintains a professional tone, setting the right expectations for the candidate and reinforcing the idea that the company is serious about finding a mutually beneficial relationship. The short sign-off asking for the candidate’s preferred way to connect wraps up the email in a friendly way. Overall, the email's personalized and respectful approach helps to build trust and encourage engagement, making it an effective tool for recruitment.

When to use it

This email template is best used when a recruiter or hiring manager wants to approach a potential candidate to establish a connection instead of a traditional job pitch while enriching their pool of future top candidates. It is ideal for companies that prioritize building a relationship with candidates and want to ensure that their values align with those of the company.

Who can use it

This email template can be used by any recruiter or hiring manager who wants to take a personalized approach to recruitment and build trust with potential candidates. It is particularly useful for startups and smaller companies that value individualized attention and want to ensure that they are attracting candidates who are the right fit for their company culture and values.

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