Your canceled {{Your_company}} subscription. CEO is looking for raw feedback.
Hi {{FirstName}},

I hope you're doing well. My name is {{FirstName}} and I am the CEO and Founder of {{Your_Company}}.

I have noticed that you have canceled your subscription with us a while back. While I am not looking to get you back, I am looking to learn about our opportunities and where we can improve, and I'm asking for your help with this.

I would like to ask for 15 minutes of your time to hear about your experience with {{Your_Company}}, why you decided to cancel, and if there is anything we can change or improve in the product to make it better.

I'd really appreciate it if you could find the time for a quick call - this will really help us improve Reply.

Please pick a convenient time: [Calendly Link]

PS: If you don’t have time for a call, replying to this email with raw feedback will be highly appreciated as well.
Use Template
Your canceled {{Your_company}} subscription. CEO is looking for raw feedback.
Hi {{FirstName}},

I hope you’re doing well. My name is {{FirstName}}, and I am the CEO and Founder of {{Your_Company}}.

I noticed you canceled your subscription with us some time ago. While I’m not trying to win you back, I’d love to understand how we can improve.

Could we schedule a 15-minute call to discuss your experience with {{Your_Company}}, why you canceled, and any suggestions for improvement?

Your feedback would be invaluable to us. Please choose a convenient time: [Calendly Link]

P.S. If a call isn’t feasible, a reply to this email with your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Use Template
Your canceled {{Your_company}} subscription. CEO is looking for raw feedback.
Hi {{FirstName}},

I hope you’re well. I’m {{FirstName}}, the CEO and Founder of {{Your_Company}}.

I saw that you canceled your subscription a while back. I’m not reaching out to try and get you back, but to learn how we can improve our services.

Could we chat for 15 minutes about your experience with {{Your_Company}}, why you decided to cancel, and any suggestions you might have?

Your insights would be incredibly helpful. Please pick a time that works for you: [Calendly Link]

P.S. If a call isn’t possible, replying with your feedback would be much appreciated.

Use Template
Your canceled {{Your_company}} subscription. CEO is looking for raw feedback.
Hi {{FirstName}},

I hope all is well. I’m {{FirstName}}, CEO and Founder of {{Your_Company}}.

I noticed you canceled your subscription some time ago. I’m not trying to win you back, but I’m eager to understand how we can improve.

Could we have a 15-minute call to discuss your experience with {{Your_Company}}, why you canceled, and any suggestions for improvement?

Your feedback is crucial to us. Please choose a time that suits you: [Calendly Link]

P.S. If you’re unable to call, a reply with your feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
Use Template

Why it works

This email template is effective because it leverages the authority and curiosity of the CEO to engage your churned customers in a conversation. By acknowledging the cancellation of their subscription and emphasizing that the purpose is not to win them back but to gather feedback and identify areas for improvement, you establish a non-threatening and genuine intent. The direct involvement of the CEO demonstrates the company's commitment to understanding customer needs and continuously enhancing the product. By valuing their opinion and offering an opportunity to contribute, you create a sense of importance and make them feel heard. Even if they prefer not to schedule a call, the option to provide feedback via email shows flexibility and enables them to share their thoughts conveniently. Overall, this template combines the authority of the CEO, a genuine intent, and a personalized approach to maximize its effectiveness.

When to use it

Use this email template when reaching out to customers who have canceled their subscription with your company. While ideal for smaller businesses where the CEOs at times engage with their customers, this template is suitable for all companies seeking feedback, understanding reasons for cancellation, and identifying opportunities for improvement, all aimed at perfecting your product.

Who can use it

CEOs, founders, or individuals in top management positions can utilize this template when engaging with customers who have canceled their subscriptions. It is particularly relevant for those interested in gathering feedback and taking a hands-on approach to customer relations. Small and medium-sized businesses can use this template to focus on a more individual and personalized customer experience.

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