Joining {{Company}} podcast
Hey {{FirstName}},

{{Your_Name}} here, [Title] of {{Your_Company}}.

I’ve listened to a few episodes of your podcast, and I’ve really enjoyed it: {{Personalized_Sentence}}.

So it got me thinking - is there a chance to join your podcast as a guest?

[Share your story in 1-2 sentences], and I’d love to share some of my learnings with you and your audience. 

But what makes my experience really unique is a solid background in [Your Unique Skills. e.g. sales and AI; growth and SaaS]. Namely, here are just a few topic ideas that could be relevant to your audience: 

1. [Relevant Topic 1]
2. [Relevant Topic 2]
3. [Relevant Topic 3]

Please, let me know if you’d be interested in having me as your guest.
Use Template
Joining {{Company}} podcast
Hi {{FirstName}},

I'm {{Your_Name}}, [Title] at {{Your_Company}}.

I've been tuning into your podcast and found it insightful, especially {{Personalized_Sentence}}.

Could I join you as a guest?

I have [Your Unique Skills, e.g., extensive experience in sales and AI], and I'd love to share some key insights with your audience, such as:

[Relevant Topic 1]
[Relevant Topic 2]
[Relevant Topic 3]
Would it make sense to discuss this further?

Use Template
Joining {{Company}} podcast
Hi {{FirstName}},

I'm {{Your_Name}}, [Title] at {{Your_Company}}.

I've enjoyed your podcast, particularly {{Personalized_Sentence}}.

Would you be open to having me as a guest?

I have a background in [Your Unique Skills, e.g., growth and SaaS], and I'd love to discuss:

[Relevant Topic 1]
[Relevant Topic 2]
[Relevant Topic 3]
Is this something you'd be interested in exploring?

Best regards,
Use Template
Joining {{Company}} podcast
Hi {{FirstName}},

I'm {{Your_Name}}, [Title] at {{Your_Company}}.

I recently listened to your podcast and was particularly impressed by {{Personalized_Sentence}}.

Would you consider having me as a guest?

I bring a unique perspective with my background in [Your Unique Skills, e.g., marketing and AI]. Here are some topics I could cover:

[Relevant Topic 1]
[Relevant Topic 2]
[Relevant Topic 3]
Does this align with what you're looking for?

Use Template

Why it works

This template is effective due to its personalization, value proposition, relevance, conciseness, and clear call to action. By expressing appreciation for the specific podcast, it demonstrates that the sender has taken the time to listen and engage with the content. This personal touch helps establish a connection and grab the recipient's attention. The email clearly communicates the sender's desire to share their learnings and expertise with the podcast audience, providing a compelling reason for the recipient to consider them as a guest. By highlighting their unique skills and experiences, the template showcases the potential value the sender can bring to the podcast. It also suggests specific topic ideas that are tailored to the podcast's audience, demonstrating the sender's ability to provide content that aligns with the podcast's focus, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

When to use it

Use this template to reach out to a podcast host and express your interest in being a guest on their show after listening to a few episodes of the podcast, enabling you to provide a personalized compliment. By sharing a brief overview of your story and highlighting your unique skills and expertise, the template effectively showcases your value as a potential guest.

Who can use it

This template can be utilized by industry experts, thought leaders, entrepreneurs, business owners, startup founders, or other professionals from various fields who are interested in being guests on podcasts. Whether you are an established professional or an aspiring speaker, this template can help pitch your specific expertise to the podcast host.

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