Looking for the best Ruby engineer
Hi {{FirstName}},

My name is Jason and I am CEO at [ABC Inc]. I found your profile on GitHub while looking for the top engineers with Ruby experience. I was impressed and decided to drop you a note.

You may not often see CEOs reaching out to potential candidates, but our company success so far is based on finding the best people and putting them together to work on fun, challenging and exciting projects.

We might have a position to tell you about, but that conversation can't begin until we listen to you first and make sure we are on the same page.

Interested to learn more? Please let me know and I will connect you with someone from our team.
Use Template
Looking for the best Ruby engineer
Hi {{FirstName}},

I'm Jason, CEO at [ABC Inc]. I came across your GitHub profile while searching for top engineers with Ruby experience and was impressed by your work.

As the CEO, I don’t often reach out directly, but our success comes from bringing together the best talent to work on exciting and challenging projects.

We might have an opportunity for you, but first, we’d love to understand your goals and ensure we’re aligned.

Interested in learning more? Let me know, and I’ll connect you with our team.

Best regards,
Use Template
Looking for the best Ruby engineer
Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m Jason, CEO of [ABC Inc]. While searching GitHub for top engineers with Ruby expertise, I found your profile and was very impressed.

CEOs don’t often reach out directly, but our success is built on finding and uniting the best talent for fun and challenging projects.

We might have a position for you, but first, we want to understand your goals to make sure we’re on the same page.

Interested in chatting? Let me know, and I’ll connect you with our team.

Use Template
Looking for the best Ruby engineer
Hi {{FirstName}},

I’m Jason, the CEO at [ABC Inc]. I discovered your GitHub profile while looking for top Ruby engineers and was impressed by your skills.

It’s not every day you hear from a CEO, but our success hinges on finding exceptional talent and bringing them together for exciting projects.

We might have a position that fits your skills, but first, we want to ensure we understand your aspirations and goals.

Interested in learning more? Please let me know, and I’ll connect you with our team.

Best regards,
Use Template

Why it works

This personalized email from the CEO carries a powerful message: your company values top talent and recognizes the importance of making direct connections. By reaching out to the best Ruby engineers on GitHub, you demonstrate a proactive approach to recruiting. The CEO's direct involvement adds a touch of prestige and shows the significance placed on finding exceptional candidates. The email's tone conveys a sense of excitement, emphasizing the company's focus on fun, challenging, and exciting projects. By highlighting the need to listen to the candidate first and ensuring alignment, it showcases the company's commitment to fostering a collaborative and mutually beneficial environment. Prospective candidates are enticed to respond, knowing that they'll have the opportunity to learn more about the position from a fellow industry member. This email effectively captures attention, instills curiosity, and opens the door to potential talent acquisition.

When to use it

Perfect for crucial recruitments when you discover an exceptional candidate for a key role. Use this email template to express interest and admiration while prioritizing the candidate's goals and vision. This personalized approach ensures alignment and creates a collaborative environment for meaningful conversations that lead to successful hires. This template can be easily tailored for any industry and talent platform.

Who can use it

An invaluable resource for various recruiters seeking a personalized touch, this email template, caters to all. Ideal for small businesses and startups, it captures the attention of top talent with a direct message from the CEO, creating a sense of prestige. Stand out from the crowd and attract exceptional candidates with this powerful recruitment tool that emphasizes personalized engagement and fosters meaningful connections.

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