A Beginner’s Guide to Follow-Ups: When, Why, How (many) [2024 Update]

Table of Contents

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Hi {{First Name}}, Have you had a chance to check my previous email?

Hi {{First Name}}, reaching out here in case you’ve missed my email.


I just left you a voicemail but wanted to drop a line by email in case this is more convenient for you.

Hi {{FirstName}},

As {{Standardized Job Title}}, I thought you would find value with this {{Content Type}}, {{Content Description}}.

We see ourselves as an effective sales acceleration platform for {{Industry}} related companies like {{Company}} to scale email outreach while keeping communication warm and personal.

I’d be happy to explain how it works. Looking forward to hearing back from you.

Hey Patrick,

Were you interested in that infographic I mentioned? I forgot to post the link within it.

You can find that here: {{Infographic link}}


Hi {{FirstName}},

I thought you might find this guide on {{Solving relevant problem}} helpful. You can download it here: {{Content link}}.

Hey {{FirstName}} ????

Wanted to put a face to the email I sent over a couple of days ago.

{{Personalized Vidyard Video}}

Any thoughts?

Hi {{First Name}}.

It’s me trying to break through your inbox 🙂

Hi {{FirstName}},

I know you’re very busy as {{Insert_Professional_Title}}, but I’ve been wanting to have a quick chat about bringing {{Insert_Product}} to {{Insert_Company}} because I think it could really help you improve {{Insert_Sector,_e.g._email_outreach}} and increase {{Insert_KPI,_e.g._sales}}.

If 15 minutes of your time isn’t too much to ask, then maybe we could jump on a quick Zoom call to discuss this?

In case you’re not the right person to contact regarding {{Task}}, would you mind pointing me in the right direction?


I’m looking to contact a person in charge of {{Task/Responsibility}} at {{Company}}. If you’re not the right person to talk to, could you please refer me to them? Thank you!

Generate unique first-step messages and follow-ups at scale with the power of AI.

Day 1

1st Email

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5


Day 6
Day 7
Day 8
Day 9


Day 10
Day 11
Day 12


Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19
Day 20
Day 21


Day 45


Day 46
Day 47
Day 48


Day 49
Day 50
Day 51


All of the mentioned templates (+ 30 more) are available in Reply and can be added to your campaign with just one click. Sign up and try them out for free with your 14-day trial.