How to save $5k on B2B data for your company [Reply Masterclass]


About the masterclass:

When it comes to high-quality sales data, you often have to choose: Either you get a contact list from a reliable B2B provider with a hefty price tag or spend days and weeks researching the prospects manually.

If you’re not ready to waste your time but also don’t have the budget to pay for a major database, there’s a solution.

Join us on January 26, 12 pm EST, for a free hands-on masterclass on how to build quality prospect lists and save a few thousand dollars on your data with Reply.

The masterclass will cover:

  • An overview of the popular data sources for sales teams
  • Building a prospect list in under 15 minutes for free – hands-on demo
  • How to level up your prospecting with intent data

Olivia Milton

CMO at Reply

Marketing addict with over 6 years of experience in strategic marketing planning and execution, customer development, brand management, lead nurturing, targeting, PR & content marketing, user onboarding.

Vlad Oleksiienko

Sales Leader, Reply

With 6+ years of experience in the field, Vlad is in charge of the entire sales development machine at Reply. He is keen on building creative outreach strategies and experimenting with different approaches for personalization at scale.

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